FY 2017 CoC Program NOFA

August 1, 2017

The NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) is out as of July 14, 2017. You can find it here.

Here are some recommendations from Mary Frances Schafer, Director of Community Coordination, regarding next steps!
  • Read the NOFA thoroughly, then use your log-in credentials to get in to ESNAPS as soon as possible. If you have any questions about ESNAPS, contact Brandi at bscott@louhomeless.org.
  • The first draft of the application is due August 28. Remember when you hit submit, you are submitting to Mary Frances, not to HUD.
  • The Coalition plans to push the button for final submission on September 25; the due date to HUD is Sepmember 30.
  • If after reading the NOFA you decide you want to apply for a new grant, get a preapplication in to me by August 4th. Here’s the link.

As always, contact us with any questions, and best of luck!