The Coalition for the Homeless coordinates our Louisville community’s response to homelessness through efficient use of resources and funding.
For a more thorough explanation of the Continuum of Care (CoC), please visit Continuum of Care (CoC).
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One of the Coalition’s critical roles is to coordinate an overall community response to homelessness. We accomplish this task through several initiatives but one of the most extensive is the coordination of the Continuum of Care.
What is the Continuum of Care?
In 1994, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) launched the Continuum of Care process. This process is an approach that helps communities across America address the problems of homelessness in a coordinated, comprehensive and strategic fashion.
A continuum of Care is a community’s plan to organize and deliver shelter and services that meet the specific needs of homeless individuals and families as they move toward stable housing and maximum self-sufficiency. This plan should include:
- Outreach, intake, and assessment to identify an individual’s and family’s service and housing needs, and link them to appropriate housing or service resources.
- Emergency shelter and safe, decent alternatives to the streets.
- Longer term shelter with supportive services to allow people the time and support to eliminate barriers to permanent housing, such as utility debt.
- Permanent housing and permanent supportive housing.
Every continuum of Care should also feature homelessness prevention strategies and services, which can range from one-time emergency funds that keep a roof over a family’s head to crisis intervention services for people with mental illness.
By working together, these groups can envision, develop, and implement solutions that respond to the wide-ranging needs among homeless subpopulations, such as veterans, youth, victims of domestic violence and people struggling with mental illness, substance abuse and HIV/AIDS.
What is the Coalition’s role in the Continuum of Care process?
The coalition for the Homeless has provided leadership and coordination for the Louisville Metro Continuum of Care process since 1997. We have staff dedicated to working with local homeless provider agencies and community leaders in a year-round research, strategic planning and application process.
Our staff specifically focuses on the following activities to direct this process:
- Reading and interpreting the HUD application for community agencies.
- Conducting necessary research of best practices around the country and determining local gaps in services.
- Organizing and conducting the Annual Homeless count.
- Facilitating the community funding process with homeless service agencies.
- Writing and submitting a collaborative proposal to HUD for federal funding.
Who can be involved in the Continuum of Care?
According to HUD requirements, the membership of the Continuum of Care must be inclusive of the many facets of the community which it represents. The Louisville Metro Continuum of Care membership consists of over 80 entities representing both the public and private sector.
How do I get more information about this process?
The Coalition is looking for local community members and service providers interested in homelessness and the services available to those experiencing homelessness. Meetings are held virtually. To get the meeting access info, or if you have any other questions about becoming involved in the process, please contact Brandi Scott, Director of Planning and Evaluation, at (502) 636-9550 x1211 or
Meeting dates are subject to change or may include additional meetings once the HUD grant application is released.