Louisville Continuum of Care Dashboards
The below dashboards are offered as a non-official reference for the city of Louisville. Dashboard publication does not undergo the same strict review process that is used for federal and state data submissions. This data, however, is pulled from the same data source (HMIS). Project types (emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, day shelters, permanent supportive housing, permanent housing and street outreach) may be included in the dashboard reports but may not be included in federal submissions (example, day shelter data does not factor in to Point In Time Counts and our Longitudinal Statistical Analysis submission to congress).
Three dashboards are offered that focus on subtly different aspects of Louisville homelessness.
Community Analysis Dashboard based on the CoC Annual Performance Report.
This report is run quarterly and includes all Louisville emergency shelter, transitional housing and street outreach projects. It is a comprehensive report that unduplicates client data (each client is counted once for the reporting period). This dashboard will be reset each year when the fiscal year (October 1st – September 30th) ends. It will be updated on a quarterly basis.
Community Performance Dashboard based on CoC System Performance Measures.
This report is run annually and pulls data from our SPM federal submission (HDX 1.0). Measures addressed within this report are:
- First Time Homeless
- Exits to Permanent Housing with a Return to Homelessness within a 2 year period
- Length of Time Homeless
- Employment and Income Growth for Homeless Clients (for CoC funded projects ONLY)
- Permanent Housing Retention
- Number of Homeless Persons
Community Snapshot Dashboard based on the HUD XML export.
This report is run for the last federal fiscal year (October 1st – September 30th). This report includes a vast number of project types (emergency shelter, transitional housing, street outreach, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, permanent housing and supportive services only). And out of all three reports it has the best options for filtering (i.e. by project, vet status, gender, etc…).