25% of Louisvillians experience housing instability.
The coronavirus pandemic has already caused nearly 600,000 new unemployment claims in Kentucky over the past six weeks.
No one should be evicted because of a pandemic.
Will you join us in building a better future by donating some of your stimulus check to a family at risk of eviction, then asking Metro Council to dedicate funding to keep people in their homes?
The rent for an average two-bedroom apartment in Louisville costs $872 per month, which is $29 per day, or $201 per week.
Can you join us and cover rent for a Louisville family in need for a day? A week? A month? Select “Homelessness Prevention & Diversion” at the bottom of this donation form.
All funds will go to directly assist Louisvillians—our neighbors—at risk of eviction. We will work with community partners to distribute funds accordingly to ensure they go directly to people in need.
After you’ve made your donation—or if you cannot make one right now—please take five minutes to email Metro Council asking that they dedicate a large portion of the federal COVID funding to rental assistance and eviction prevention.
Here’s some sample language to copy and paste, or modify to make your own:
Dear Councilperson [enter name],
My name is [your name] and I am one of your constituents in Louisville. I am writing today to urge you to dedicate a large portion of federal CARES funding for coronavirus relief toward eviction prevention funding through rental assistance.
Louisville’s eviction rate was already two times the national average before this crisis hit. The average cost of a two-bedroom apartment in Louisville is $872. Families who have found themselves out of work are struggling to pay their rent, bills, and keep their children fed.
We were already in the throes of an affordable housing crisis before coronavirus came to Louisville, forcing hundreds of thousands of people out of work.
Please dedicate funding toward eviction prevention so we can keep families in their homes and off the streets.
[your name]
Thank you for stepping up for your neighbors to make a more just world. To read more about coronavirus and homelessness, see www.louhomeless.org/coronavirus.