Minimum wage will increase to $9/hour

Over the past several months, on behalf of the 8,608 Louisvillians who were homeless at some point during 2013 (60% of whom were employed but still could not afford a home), we have asked you all to express your support for an increase in the minimum wage.

Thanks to your support, advocacy, and hard work, on Thursday night, Metro Council and the Mayor agreed on an increase to $9/hour! This is a welcome improvement over the existing minimum wage of $7.25/hour, and we are grateful for the increase.

We also owe a huge thank you to the elected officials who listened to voices of the poor and homeless. Please leave a message thanking Metro Council via phone at (502) 574-1100, or message Metro Council here; contact the Mayor via phone at (502) 574-2003 or send him a message here.

Thanks again. Our holiday will be warmer knowing that those who work in our city will be a little less likely to have to spend time in a homeless shelter.