Each January, the Coalition for the Homeless (on behalf of the Louisville Continuum of Care) conducts a Street Count to verify the number of people sleeping outdoors and in emergency shelters in our city on one night.
Typically, hundreds of volunteers cover neighborhoods across the city to conduct the count in late January before dawn. But because of the coronavirus pandemic, the Coalition is unable to safely gather so many volunteers.
Instead, professional outreach workers from a variety of partner organizations will go out in small groups to targeted areas the week of January 25, 2021, to survey people experiencing unsheltered street homelessness here and to hand out supplies.
While the general public is unable to sign up to participate in the Street Count this year, local volunteers and the Coalition’s Associate Board invites the community to make a donation toward supplies. 400 backpacks will be distributed full of hats, gloves, hygiene supplies, masks, and more. United HealthCare, PostMates, Bombas Socks, Delta Dental, North Oldham Middle School Beta Club, and Supplies Over Seas, have already made generous donations in support of this cause.
The Street Count is an annual Point in Time count that we complete as a recipient of federal funding from the department of Housing and Urban Development. The count allows us to analyze changes to our homeless population over time and guides our decision making as we respond to the needs of those experiencing homelessness.
Thank you for your help!