Associate Board invites you to #givebacklouisville

[responsive]Stand Down backpack ask - Associate Board

Each year, the Coalition for the Homeless joins forces with the Department of Veterans Affairs and Metro Louisville to put on Stand Down/Project Homeless Connect, a one-day resource fair where 600 homeless veterans and others come to access over 70 services in one central location.

This year, the Coalition for the Homeless’ inaugural Associate Board is challenging the members of our community to donate $10 to buy a backpack for a homeless person attending the event. Donate prior by Monday, 9/26, and your backpack will be given out at Stand Down/Project Homeless Connect on Wednesday, October 5.

To donate, click here, enter $10 (or another amount you want to donate), and enter “#GiveBackLouisville” as the “Designation.” Be sure to follow the steps to create an account so that your donation goes through. Every gift given in this way will be restricted toward buying a backpack for someone in need.

To learn more about Stand Down, click here.