The Coalition is pleased to report our annual homeless census numbers. We counted 6,737 homeless Louisvillians in 2015, which represents a 12.4% drop in homelessness over just one year.
What’s more is that homelessness has dropped by 23% over the past four years in Louisville.
We have had this success because of the efficient, collaborative work of our partner agencies’ staff and volunteers, not to mention the steadfast commitment our homeless clients demonstrate as they work toward stability. We are so proud and grateful for this tremendous community.
At the same time, we acknowledge that unless our agencies can make up the nearly $1.2 million of federal dollars recently cut from Louisville’s homeless services, we will serve 1,000 fewer people this year.
As always, though, we will keep our eyes focused on ending homelessness in collaborative, innovative, and efficient ways, and we have to take this moment to celebrate the community’s success.
See the full press release with more details below.